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Customer Satisfaction: A Means as Well as an End to a Business


The multitudes of the success of a business, as well as its qualitative aspect are both measured by the goodwill established by a business with its customers, particularly in the market, and more generally in the society. Business is not merely about buying or selling its products or trade and commerce, but it very essential to promote good customer relations along with the trade; accompanied by customer satisfaction. The satisfaction of one customer may lead to goodwill with many; the goodwill with these many will further lead to more goodwill with more customers, henceforth forming a vast chain of “goodwill spread through the word of mouth or any other source”.

Customer satisfaction is one of the goals in the functioning of a business, but has often been considered as trivial and thus, been overlooked. Although the level or magnitude of this satisfaction can’t be measured in exact numerical terms, yet the Director or the Manager of the company, as well as the company’s excellence or success itself is measured on the basis of this. Thus, there arises the role of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), also known as Customer Service Management. It primarily refers to those methodologies or practices accompanied by CRM tools; by a business in order to yield maximum customer satisfaction in a very organized manner.

CRM tools include software and browser based applications which organize all the data concerning with the clientele. This may include the database of the customers in the form of feedback forms, identification form; information included in billing etc. This customer database is a very useful tool in order to conduct surveys etc. and to communicate business dealings.

The CRM software may include one or many features depending on one’s requirements. The featured components of the software may be based on sales automation, marketing automation, customizable, customer support or service oriented, channel or partner management, integration to other systems. Before choosing the software, one should also keep in mind the number of people operating the software as there is different software versions based on the number of operators. Also, how the target number of people or users will find accessibility to the CRM of a company (or other) determines the requirement of the software. The users may access the CRM through web browsers, mobile devices or the company networks. Thus, the departments of a business, number of operators and the mode through which the users will operate the CRM database play a major role in determining the kind of software feasible for a particular business. There are different categories of software based on company profiles, such as: - Billing and Account Management, Call Centers and Customer Service, Employee Relationship Management, Contact Management, Content and Document Management, Data Mining and Warehousing, e-Business and e-Commerce, Knowledge Management, Marketing Automation, Partner Relationship Management, Sales Force Automation and Supply Chain Management.


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